Monday, March 19, 2012

Simply amazing!

Amazingly talented!
Anthony Evans and Jesse Campbell in The Voice
When you have it, you have it! and nothing and nobody can take that away from you. It's up for you to nurture and develop it in a magnificent way. It's a God given talent and you should share it with the world.

Meet Anthony Evans and Jesse Campbell of The Voice Season 2. The best among the best in the show. Anthony Evans is a Pastor son, who wants to prove something to himself and wants to make his daddy proud. Jesse Campbell is a single dad who hope to give himself and his daughter a fresh start, after being separated to his wife and was homeless. Both were amazing singers but unfortunately, only one will stay to compete in the live show. These two deserves a spot in the show. Too bad for Anthony, way to go Jessie!


Jessica Sanchez
Here's Jesicca Sanchez, American Idol Season 11's Top 13. This girl has it! Amazingly talented. She captured the hearts of the judges and the audience with her song. A heartfelt rendition of  "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston, the best performance of the night. If these girl stay humble and focus, she'll go a long way. Goodluck!

 See her full performance in American Idol ---> VIDEO

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